Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama Illustrations

I did a couple of illustrations of the big two I'd like to share with you...awwww,  that's a special rhyme.

 First off is is Mitt Romney and his proposed Presidential seal...if he won that is.
The initial sketch of a chuckling Mitt, with Big Bird basically crucified on the Presidential seal.

 I tweaked the layout so it didn't look as if Mitt was wearing Big Birds butt on his head. I think that was the first time I ever drew a Muppet...BB is a Muppet right?...technically?
 During the power outage as a result of Hurricane Sandy, I drew this quick Obama sketch, in hopes that my power would come back on so I could get this illustration finished in time for the Election.

I consider myself an equal opportunity satirist...and this Illustration works in a number of ways.
The famous "Change" slogan from the last Elections, and well now..."Change" has an entirely different meaning...from a certain point of view.

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